Intelligent Agents

Agents and Environments

Agent 可以是任何一種東西,用 censor 來感測環境,並且透過 actuators 來動作

  • An agent’s behavior is described by the agent function that maps any given percept sequence to an action.

    • e.g., vacuum-cleaner

      • if the current square is dirty, then suck

      • otherwise, move to the other square

Rational agent

  • Rational agent 指的是可以做出正確事情的 agent

  • 正確事情 : Agent 所做的事情會讓 enviroment 歷經一系列的 desirable states

  • desirability : performance measure 來量測

  • Definition : Rational agent 會在 percept 的每個步驟都需要 maximize performance measure,從而 action

  • Example : vacuum-cleaner agent

    • Performance measurement : the amount of dirt being cleaned up

    • Performance measure: a clean floor

Omniscience, Learning, and Autonomy

Rationality maximizes expected performance, while perfection maximizes actual performance.

  • 針對 Agent 的 rationality 不需要達到 omniscience

  • 但 Agent 需要能夠從 perceive 的 data 中學習 (learn)

  • 另外 Agent 最好能夠 Autonomous

    • learn and compensate for incorrect

Task Environments

我們透過以下幾點,來定義一個 Task environment :

  • Performance measure

  • The environment

  • Agent's actuators

  • Agent's sensors

  • 合稱為 PEAS (Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors)

例如 :






Taxi driver

Safety, fast

Traffics, Customers

Brake, Accelerator

GPS, Engines

Properties of Task Environments

Fully observable vs. partially observable

  • Agent 的每個 action 是否會跟 sensors 偵測所有的東西有關

Single agent vs. multiagent

  • 如果有多個 Agents,那他們之間是否會互相影響對方

  • Chess 就是 multiagent

Deterministic vs. stochastic

  • 若 environment 的下一個 state 會受前一個 state 影響,那就是 deterministic

  • stochastic 則相反,通常代表 outcomes 是 uncertainty 的

  • Taxi driving 就是 stochastic

Episodic vs. sequential

  • 情節之間是否是連貫的

  • Chess & Taxi driving 都是 sequential

Static vs. dynamic (taxi)

  • Environment 會因為 Agent 的思考而改變,則說 environment 是 dynamic 的

  • Taxi driving 是 dynamic 的

Discrete vs. continuous

  • Chess 的 environment 有 finite 的 discrete states & actions

  • Taxi driving 則是有 continuous state

Known vs. unknown

  • The agent's state of knowledge about the “laws of physics” of the environment.

The Structure of Agents

  • Agent = Architecture + Program

  • Program : 設計來 implement agent function (用於 map percepts to action)

  • Architecture : 指的是 Devices (sensor, actuator)

Agent Programs

  • A trivial agent program turns percept into action each time :

Simple Reflex Agents

  • 下一個 action 只建立在 current percept, 而會無視以前的 percept history

  • 只建立在 environment 是 full-observable

Model-based Reflex Agents

  • Agent 會持續追蹤外部世界的變化

  • 並更新內部的 internal state

Rule 跟 Simple Reflex agents 的是一樣的

Goal-based Reflex Agents

  • 因為只有 current state of environment 沒辦法每次都能產出好的 action

  • 所以基於 model 再新增 goal information

  • Behavior 可以因 Goal 改變而被簡單改變

  • Decision making 多了考慮未來的部分 "What/will"

Utility-based Reflex Agents

  • 有 Goal 不見得能有 High quality behavior

  • Utility-based agent 會挑選能夠 maximize expected utility 的 action

Learning Agents

  • 使用 critic 的 feedback 來決定 performance element 要如何修改來加強 action

    • learning element => making improvements

    • performance element => selecting actions

  • learn and improve in short run => better actions in long run

    • problem generator suggest new actions

Last updated