Improving Deep Neural Networks

在 Improving deep neural networks 中

將學習到 deep learning 中的 "magic"

而不只是當成 black box 一樣使用他

知道如何控制 performance, 並且有系統性的取得 good results

  • 了解業界在 build dl application 的 best-practices

  • 能夠使用 common neural network tricks

    • initialization, L2, dropout regularization, batch normalization, gradient checking

  • 能夠應用各種優化演算法

    • mini-batch gradient descent, momentum, RMSprop, Adam, check convergence

  • 知道如何設定 new best-practices

    • train/dev/test sets

    • analyze bias/variance

  • 會用 TensorFlow

這將是 Deep Learning 的第二堂課 !

Practical aspects of Deep Learning

  • Setting up your Machine Learning Application

    • train / dev / test sets

    • bias / variance

  • Regularizing your neural network

    • regularization

    • dropout

    • L2

  • Setting up your optimization problem

    • normalizing inputs

    • vanishing / exploding gradients

    • weight initialization

    • gradient checking

Optimization algorithms

  • mini-batch gradient descent

  • exponentially weighted averages

  • bias correction

  • momentum

  • RMSprop

  • Adam

  • learning rate decay

Hyperparameter tuning, Batch Normalization and Programming Frameworks

  • Hyperparameter tuning

    • appropriate scale to pick hyperparameter

    • pandas, caviar practice

  • Batch normalization

    • normalize activations

    • fitting batch norm

  • Multi-class classification

    • softmax regression

    • softmax classifier

  • Introduction to programming frameworks

    • deep learning frameworks

    • tensorflow

Last updated