Sequence Models

在 Sequence models 中

將會學到如何建立 natural language, audio, 或其他 sequence data 的模型

因為有 deep learning,sequence algorithms 才能夠快速進步


  • speech recognition

  • music synthesis

  • chatbots

  • machine translation

  • natural language understanding

  • and many others...


  • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) 和常見的變形,如 GRUs 和 LSTMs

  • 能夠將 sequence models 套用到 natural language problems,包含 text synthesis

  • 能夠將 sequence models 套用到 audio applications,包含 speech recognition 和 music synthesis

這將是 deep learning 的第五堂課 !

另外本堂課 還有和 NVIDIA 的 Deep Learning Institute 進行合作

所以在 assignment 中可以碰到實際的 machine translation

是能夠接近 cutting-edge 的 industry-relevant content 的機會

Recurrent Neural Networks

介紹什麼是 RNNs,RNNs 這類型的網路 (LSTM, GRU, BRNNs) 能夠有效處理 temporal data

  • Sequence models

  • RNNs model

  • Backpropogation through time

  • Language model and sequence generation

  • Sampling novel sequences

  • Vanishing gradients with RNNs

  • Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)

  • Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)

  • Bidirectional RNN

  • Deep RNNs

Natural Language Processing & Word Embeddings

RNNs 和 NLP 能夠非常有效的搭配在一起

利用 word vector 和 embedding layers 來訓練 RNNs 能夠產生相當多的產業

例如 sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, machine translation

  • Word Representation

  • Word embeddings

  • Embedding matrix

  • Word2Vec

  • Negative Sampling

  • GloVe word vectors

  • Sentiment Classification

  • Debiasing word embeddings

Sequence models & Attention mechanism

我們可以利用 attention mechanism 來強化 sequence models

這個 algorithm 告訴 model 該 focus 在哪一段 sequence of inputs

  • Basic Models

  • Beam Search

  • Error analysis

  • Bleu Score

  • Attention Model

  • Speech recognition

  • Trigger Word Detection

Last updated