Convolutional Neural Networks

在 Convolutional Neural Networks 中

將會教導如何建立 CNN 然後應用在 image data 上

因為有了 CNN ,所以 computer vision 能夠快速進步


  • safe autonomous driving

  • accurate face recognition

  • automatic reading of radiology images


  • 了解如何建立 CNN,甚至是他的變形,如 residual networks

  • 了解如何應用 CNN 在 visual detection 和 recognition tasks

  • 了解如何使用 neural style transfer 來產生藝術作品

  • 將 CNN 應用於更多 image, video, 2D, 3D data

這將是 Deep learning 的第四堂課 !

Foundations of Convolutional Neural Networks

了解 CNNs 裡的基本 layers 運作 (pooling, convolution)

並能夠堆疊他們來處理 multi-class image classification

  • Computer vision

  • Edge Detection

  • Strided Convolutions

  • Convolutions Over Volume

  • Simple Convolutional Network

  • Pooling Layers

Deep convolutional models: case studies

來看一些實際在 research papers 中的 CNNs 實作技術

  • Classic Networks

  • ResNets

  • Networks in Networks and 1x1 Convolutions

  • Inception Network

  • Transfer Learning

  • Data Augmentation

Object detection

利用學到的 CNNs 來實作 computer vision 最困難但最熱門的領域 : object detection

  • Object Localization

  • Landmark Detection

  • Object Detection

  • Convolutional Implementation of Sliding Windows

  • Bounding Box Predictions

  • Intersection Over Union

  • Non-max Suppressio

  • Anchor Boxes

  • YOLO Algorithm

Special applications: Face recognition & Neural style transfer

了解更多 CNNs 可以應用的範圍,例如 art generation, face recognition

我們將實際設計 algorithm 來做出以上兩件事 !

  • One Shot Learning

  • Siamese Network

  • Triplet Loss

  • Face Verification and Binary Classification

  • Neural style transfer

  • deep ConvNets learning

  • Content Cost Function

  • Style Cost Function

  • 1D and 3D Generalizations

Last updated