AI: Issues, Concerns and Ethical Considerations

Issues and Concerns around AI

  • Privacy is the number one key challenge of AI.

  • Who would own the new music which is created by an AI algorithm based on the style of great composer.

Ethical Concerns

Ethics is not a technological problem, ethics is a human problem.


Humans subconsciously apply certain kinds of bias that becomes obvious in large scale data which can then impact Machine Learning algorithm outcomes if those data sets are used for training.

Four key aspects


使用者應有得知互動者為 AI 的權力,並知道該次互動所期望得到的結果為何。


開發者應建立責任機制於 AI 系統上,在發生非期望的結果是能夠追溯原因。



Lack of Bias

開發者應使用客觀的 training data 來防止產生 bias,並且在平常時就應該隨時檢查並防範 bias 的產生。

Jobs and Employment

  • Many jobs will be lost to AI, and that the most vulnerable jobs will be those with rules-based, repeatable tasks, like call center workers and drivers.

  • AI will generate new jobs, and new types of work.

  • AI is already being used to benefit humankind in many fields, including healthcare, crime prevention, agriculture, and power generation, among others.

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